We are delighted to recommend the work of Keshena Wall who shares the premises with The Daily Massage.
Kiaora, I’m Keshena, your devoted Remedial Massage Therapist. As a super mum of six beautiful children, I deeply understand the importance of maintaining balance in life. My unique and diverse work experience allows me to bring a holistic and comprehensive approach to my clients’ health.
Over the years, having served as a Sports Massage Therapist for the renowned Broncos and occasionally, the Reds Team, I have developed rich insights into the nuances of health and well-being. Currently, I am studying Kinesiology in a local institution to further advance my skills and infuse my practice with more scientifically backed techniques.
In this hustle and bustle of life, my clinic aims to carve out a welcoming, safe space for you. I deeply empathise with your unique concerns, needs, and changes and am committed to address the many ways our bodies, minds, and souls store stress and manifest pain. My goal is to minimise your physical discomforts and invite calmness and balance back into your life.
I cherish the relations with my clients and am always committed to ensuring your well-being takes priority. Your individual journey is important to me, and I consider it a privilege to be a part of it.
Let us journey together towards a healthier, more balance life. Let’s dive deep inside and enable our ‘SELF’ to emerge stronger and calmer than before.
I look forward to this exciting journey with you all,